Shown in Compétition #3.
It snows in the image. The light samples recorded in the periphery of a memory account for a space that fulfills its orbital cycle. And the snow goes away, because by inertia the matter manifests itself. The earth offers its gaps to a central force that turns reality into an eternal dèjá vu. Does the Sun strike in the same place as it already did? The senses are disengaged so that the present is suspended in a conflict of perceptive tensions. Now, the memory refers to a place; or green.
Text from the selection committee
O Verde is a magnificent landscape film, intense, hypnotic. Just the sun, or the lack of it, on terrains subjected to the most disparate weather events. Everything is light and sound, in a masterfully simple montage. The landscapes, at first naturalistic, filmed in a documentary way, gradually turned towards an unreal and psychedelic semblance, more and more abstract and metaphysical. In an almost surprising way, the landscape, but also the image itself, are questioned in depth.
Translation made by the translator
– G.M.