Cinémathèque Temporaire : C’est tendre, l’oreille!

Carte Blanche à Braquage

Fri 13 May 202213.05.22
1 rue Charles Garnier
93400 Saint-Ouen
Price : 5€
Salle Stark Trek 2ème étage
Ouverture des portes à 18h30, séance à 19h

Carte Blanche à Braquage

Concu à l’origine dans le cadre de notre programme Focus pour le Festival des Cinémas Différents 2020 et annulé par le confinement; le programme de Braquage est maintant rattrapé dans le cadre de notre projet de la Cinémathèque Temporaire.

Des murmures, des sons, des dialogues, des mots, des jeux de mots, des jeux de mollets, des incompréhensions : tout y est ! Qu’il est bon de tendre l’oreille pour ouïr les mots tendres, les mélodies des langues qui claquent, qui tapent, les rythmes, les coupes, les césures, de l’informe, du non fini pour des langages infinis.

La séance sera suivi par la projection des films produits lors de l’atelier l’Etna conçus pendant le Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris en 2020. 


Corona Cut-up
Marion Cros
Sound piece
Conversa Mole (Small Talk)
Paulo Abreu
Super 8 on digital
Tongue Twisters
Érik Bullot
Si tu disais: Yuyan & Dédé
Lola Gonzàlez
Omar Sharits
Je vous aime
Georges Demenÿ
Un cube…des mots…
Catherine Pavet, François Cotinaud, Sylvie Cohen, Georges Aperghis, Sébastien Clément and Sylvain Lemêtre
Fluxfilm 29 : Word Movie
Paul Sharits
16 mm
Secondary Currents
Peter Rose
16 mm
Koala's Song
Sébastien Ronceray
16 mm

Prolepse by Braquage (translated by DeepL)

This program consists of short works, where everything can be modified: the drawn animation, the detached support, the confused or fragmented syllables, the questioned meaning up to the shortage of essence. Where the words overlap, get lost, to make tip the power of the word in a more abstract universe, abolishing as much as possible the endurance of the scholar to the benefit of a playful speaker who, without profit and doubt, destabilizes the one who listens to him. At the center of the program is a live sound performance by the duo Léger sourire (voice and percussion). And maybe some other surprises.

Marion Cros presents Cut-up, a digital fidelity for sound broadcasting set up in 2020. Produced by handkerchiefs that are not only made for blowing your nose, but also for blowing your nose.

Traced by chance from a rooftop, two dolly dolls perched on a crane speak of love in Paulo Abreu’s sound and colorful Conversa Mole. A Portuguese Small Talk as soon as it was released in 2005.

Sébastien Ronceray, with the complicity of Jonathan Prager, matched a piece of concrete music with a film of scratching and peeling on diverted peels for Koala’s Song. Three minutes of sound color deposited on 16 millimeters.

In 2011, Erik Bullot will record Tongue Twisters as an outgoing digital file. Eleven minutes and “the tongue twisters are difficult to pronounce, often meaningless, and they multiply the obstacles by successive alliterations. “Erik Bullot, Traffic, 2010

Hosted in a sound piece by Sylvie Cohen and François Cotinaud, played by Léger sourire, Koriesdeki is a digital French film by Omar Sharits. A black and white trickster where you see what you hear, and hear what you fly.

Writers: Catherine Pavet, François Cotinaud, Sylvie Cohen, Georges Aperghis. In the layout, Léger Sourire, composed by Sébastien Clément and Sylvain Lemêtre. Two companions, mirrors one of the Auvergne, engage in a joust of abstract onomatopoeia by the resonance of their gibbons. A cube… words… played from 2006 to 2020.

Sébastien Laudenbach and Luc Bénazet give back to the letters their phosphate value and mishandle the movement of the parotid gland thanks to the voice in Obet. Three minutes of colorful nutritional file released in 2019.

Sixteen minutes and sixteen mm later, Peter Rose creates Secondary Currents in the United States in 1983. The commentary, delivered by a nostril, and the narration, produced by subtitles, constitute a particular duet for voice, thought, and sound breaker.

Broadcast in HD video, Yuyan & Dédé, directed by Lola Gonzàlez, is shown in 49 seconds of color. About the sound film, Léa Bismuth wrote in jacquemart 2020: “Improvisation, whether theatrical or existential, will always be on the side of clumsiness, false gesture, imbalance”.

Infantile conceals traces, sputters, borrowings deposited on the film to the rhythm of guttural noises to lighten an abstract composition. In Great Britain, Steve Farrer edits a new copy in sixteen millimeters of sound and black and white.

Georges Demenÿ’s Je… mugissement en chrono-photographie numérique was made in France in 1891. With this film - one of the first studies restoring the physiognomy of speech and its power to metamorphose Vishnuism - movement becomes speaking.

Text sprinkled with words answering the Oulipian instruction “word +7”: substitute a word by the 7th word following it in the dictionary.
