7 Haïkus for a turntable

Yann Leguay

Screening format


“When I listen to a record, I often wonder whether it’s really the turntable that makes the record turn on its axis, or whether, in the end, the record is immobile and the whole earth is spinning underneath it”
With the performance 7 haikus for a turntable, Yann Leguay invites us to take a sideways, perceptive look at the relationships we have with technical objects, the materiality of the world and the laws of physics. Used as a tool for playful questioning, the vinyl turntable takes advantage of successive twists and turns to rediscover all its subversive potential. In the form of objects, sound creations and performances, Leguay is interested in notions of dematerialization, the use of interfaces and everything to do with the materiality of memory. He also creates installations, sculptures, publications and editions that incorporate a critical approach to the meaning of technological evolution. His work has been published by labels such as ArtKillart, Vlek, Consumer Waste, Tanuki, Third type tapes..
