Sat 16 October 202116.10.2118H00—19H30Cinéma Le Grand Action5 rue des Ecoles 75005 ParisReservationLinkFeeSingle price: 5€UGC/MK2 and CIP cards acceptedFacebookLinkLive streamingTV CJCSession as part of the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris.Children and ruinsAlain MazarsTransparent, I am.Yuri MuraokaFP
Other Competition programsLive on TV CJC14.10.21, 18:0019:30Cinéma Le Grand ActionCompetition #1Live on TV CJC14.10.21, 22:0023:30Cinéma Le Grand ActionCompetition #2Live on TV CJC15.10.21, 18:0019:30Cinéma Le Grand ActionCompetition #3Live on TV CJC15.10.21, 22:0023:45Cinéma Le Grand ActionCompetition #4Live on TV CJC16.10.21, 22:0023:30Cinéma Le Grand ActionCompetition #6