What's Your Flavor? en quelques mots
Created in 2014, What’s Your Flavor? is intended for queer and LGBTQIA+ artists and filmmakers in the form of a call for films. A call to send us their work in order to join the distribution catalog of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma, an experimental film cooperative that has historically been built around the movement called cinema of the body. This call corresponds to the desire to inscribe this project in the present by seeking innovative and surprising works made by people working from these singular experiences.
The films we are looking for are not limited to the themes of gender and sexuality, this call is addressed to filmmakers calling for and/or thwarting these identities in order to claim an original view of the world and find in formal, narrative, and poetic experimentation a language of their own and singular.
The films we are looking for are produced by imaginations freed from the codes prescribed by a dominant heteronormative culture. They are exciting, inspired and political at the same time. They take and give pleasure, shake up, transform, and impose themselves as spaces of freedom for the body and the mind.
Concerned to remain faithful to the experimental identity of our catalog by valuing inventiveness at all levels of creation, this call for films does not impose any limitation of duration, format or medium, and even encourages risk-taking, against the current of production standards.
The collective organizes screenings throughout the year, programming works from its call for films, from its catalog crossed with that of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma and third-party organizations. We have had the opportunity to screen films in multiple events, partnering with collectives, associations, festivals, institutions involved in the arts and committed to LGBTQIA struggles.
Partners of the past screenings :
- Organizations : Collectif Champs Magnétiques - Festival Chéries Chéris - Cinémarges - Festival du Film de Fesses - Festival Loud & Proud - Polychrome - Queer Week - What The Fuck ? Fest*** ! - Xpanded Film Festival
- Venues: Bétonsalon - CAC Brétigny - Café Pompier - Forum des Images - Freegan Pony - Gaîté Lyrique - Grand Action - La Clef - Le Cirque Electrique - MK2 Beaubourg - Reflet Médicis - Vidéodrome2
Le collectif organise des séances toute l’année en programmant des oeuvres issues de son appel à films, de son catalogue croisé à celui du Collectif Jeune Cinéma et d’organisations tierses. Nous avons eu l’occasion de présenter des films dans de multiples événements, en s’associant à des collectifs, des associations, des festivals, des institutions impliqués dans le domaine artistique et engagés dans les luttes LGBTQIA+.
Partenaires des séances passées :
- Organisations : Collectif Champs Magnétiques - Festival Chéries Chéris - Cinémarges - Festival du Film de Fesses - Festival Loud & Proud - Polychrome - Queer Week - What The Fuck ? Fest*** ! - Xpanded Film Festival
- Lieux : Bétonsalon - CAC Brétigny - Café Pompier - Forum des Images - Freegan Pony - Gaîté Lyrique - Grand Action - La Clef - Le Cirque Electrique - MK2 Beaubourg - Reflet Médicis - Vidéodrome2
Past programs

Enduring Care

Focus #11

Focus #10

Focus #14

Focus #6

Un cycle de quatre expositions et un programme discursif

The 30th Annual Day With(out) Art

Carte Blanche au Collectif Jeune Cinéma / What’s Your Flavor ?

Focus #14

Focus #10

Focus #6

Towards Intimate Deviations