Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris

20th edition

From 3 Oct 2018From 03.10.18
To 14 Oct 2018To 14.10.18


Le film est déjà commencé ?

Focus #1

mer. 3 octobre 201803.10.18
Place Georges-Pompidou
75004 Paris


Le film est déjà commencé ?
Maurice Lemaître


Focus #2

jeu. 4 octobre 201804.10.18
Centre culturel suisse. Paris


Kick That Habit
Peter Liechti
André Lehmann
Das Portrait der Cordua
HHK Schoennherr

Vache, Cochons, Mouches et Papiers

Focus #3

ven. 5 octobre 201805.10.18
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts


Stock Exchange Transplant
Douglas Collins
L’homme qui tousse
Christian Boltanski
L’homme qui lèche
Christian Boltanski
Daniel Spoerri and Tony Morgan
Stan Brakhage
Vague baignoire
François Gagelin
Alice Heit
Avi Dabach
L’île aux fleurs
Jorge Furtado
Smashing (extrait)
Jimmie Durham

Une esthétique du rebut... Pourvu que cela fasse tache !

Focus #4

dim. 7 octobre 201807.10.18
Le Shakirail


Un plan idéal
Tony Tonnerre

Program #1

Le soupirant (extrait)
Pierre Étaix
Hey good Lookin' (extrait)
Ralph Bakshi

Program #2

Va te faire enculer
Yves-Marie Mahé

Program #3

Frank Stein
Ivan Zulueta

Program #4

Street Trash
Jim Muro

Program #5

La mort en prime (Repo Man) (extrait)
Alex Cox
Meurtre dans la 110e rue (extrait)
Barry Shear

Program #6

Heavy Traffic (extrait)
Ralph Bakshi
Meet Me, Jesus
Walt Ungerer

Program #7

Oh Dem Watermelons
Robert Nelson

Program #8

Ralph Bakshi

Soirée d'ouverture, 2ème partie : Street Film + Stéphane Rives (Ciné-Concert)

Focus #5

mar. 9 octobre 201809.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Street Film (bob. 4)
Robert E. Fulton

Déchets numériques

Focus #6

mer. 10 octobre 201810.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


3D Additivism Manifesto
Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke
Default Character
Anna Adahl
Biofeedback In Simulation
Bot Borg
Julie Molinié
Beta Male
Jon Rafman
Bitcoin Abundance
Placebo Pets
Ryan Trecartin
Internet c’est très bien
Anne Laplantine
Brieuc Schieb
Broken Windows
Richard O’Sullivan
Alexander Isaenko
Miranshah Investigation
Forensic Architecture
The Stack In Bahrain
Buck Fever

Acheminements vers un cinéma hors-les-normes #3

Focus #7

jeu. 11 octobre 201811.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Sans titre
Horst Ademeit
El slogan Épisodes 9, 21 et 25
Enrique Ley
Turbulents Band
Alain Bourbonnais
Dancing Rainbows
George Andrus
Oregon Art Beat : George Andrus (extrait)
Good Times In Nature
Georges Andrus
Entreprise Louis le Déboucheur
Usage de l’objectif (fragile) de la caméra
Entreprise Louis le Déboucheur

Ni langue ni visage

Focus #8

ven. 12 octobre 201812.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Class Picture
Tito & Tita
Gym Lumbera

Dailies from Dumpland

Focus #9

sam. 13 octobre 201813.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Dailies From Dumpland
M. Woods

Entropie Industrielle

Focus #10

sam. 13 octobre 201813.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Rose Lowder
Studies For The Decay Of The West
Klaus Wyborny

L’expérimental est politique

Focus #11

dim. 14 octobre 201814.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris

De la poubelle à l’écran : le ready-made filmique

Focus #12

dim. 14 octobre 201814.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Perfect Film
Ken Jacobs
Something Else
Kevin Jerome Everson
Une œuvre
Maurice Lemaître
Hollis Frampton
Bad Burns
Paul Sharits
Eroticon Sublim
Hans Scheugl
zzz : hamburg special
Hans Scheugl

Soirée de clotûre : Global Garbage’s Utopian Mind Station

Focus #13

dim. 14 octobre 201814.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Global Garbage’s Utopian Mind Station
Marc Plas


Competition #1

mer. 10 octobre 201810.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
Ce programme présente des films pouvant potentiellement affecter les personnes épileptiques photosensibles, ou sujettes à toute autre forme de photosensibilité.


Angle Mort
Derek Woolfenden
Comrade Women
Les petits outils
Emmanuel Piton
Genizah ; Passages From The Lublin Book Graveyard
Solomon Nagler
Fathers And Sons
Roger Deutsch

Competition #2

mer. 10 octobre 201810.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
Ce programme présente des films pouvant potentiellement affecter les personnes épileptiques photosensibles, ou sujettes à toute autre forme de photosensibilité.


Davorin Marc
Forever Bro
Alexander Isaenko
Beny Wagner
Al Inn
Olivier de Bree

Compétition #3

jeu. 11 octobre 201811.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Stefano Miraglia
Robert Todd
In Film/On Video
Ignacio Tamarit
Tinne Zenner
Hello Everybody
Juha van Ingen
Ben Pointeker
The Stone Guest
Marina Fomenko
The Hymns Of Muscovy
Dimitri Venkov

Compétition #4

jeu. 11 octobre 201811.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Signale-toi en silence
Anaïs Tohé Commaret
Patches Of Snow In July
Lana Z Caplan
601 Revir Drive
Josh Weissbach
Onward Lossless Follows
Michael Robinson
David Gómez Alzate
Dose Verte
Louis Mème
Star Ferry
Simon Liu
El Meraya

Compétition #5

ven. 12 octobre 201812.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Lou Rambert Preiss
Wishful Thinking
Allan Brown
A Bar On Majorca
Marian Mayland
Mère voici vos fils
Simon Rieth
Nikita Diakur
yann beauvais
I’m At The Back
Fakhri El Ghezal
Infectious Courage
Igor & Ivan Buharov
Maki Satake
Une saison sans Guy
Noémi Aubry, Alida Aubry, Léo Aubry and Manuel Aubry

Compétition #6

ven. 12 octobre 201812.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Michael Wawzenek
Leyla Rodriguez
La bonne distance avec le feu
Rafaon Pella
Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt
Elisa Celda and Gabriel Ruiz-Larrea
The Space Shuttle Challenger
Cecilia Araneda
We Love Me
Naween Noppakun

Séances spéciales

Exhibition 20 years of archives

From 6 oct. 2018From 06.10.18
To 15 oct. 2018To 15.10.18
43 rue du Faubourg St-Martin
75010 Paris

Soirée d'ouverture : Contemporain.es

mar. 9 octobre 201809.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Yves-Marie Mahé
Valérie Kempeneers
Robert Cahen
Jérôme De Missolz
Fin de siècle
Pip Chodorov
Gérard Cairaschi
Plus tard
Eric Oriot
Les forces de l'ombre et de la lumière
Stéphane Marti

Philippe Cote : cheminer avec les éléments #1

sam. 13 octobre 201813.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris


Images de l’eau
Philippe Cote
Philippe Cote
Les ombres aquatiques
Philippe Cote
Histoire de la nuit (extraits)
Philippe Cote

Jeunes publics

Programme 6 – 10 ans

mer. 10 octobre 201810.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris

Program #1

Sheer Khan
Carole Contant

Program #2

Philippe Poirier

Program #3

Notes On The Circus
Jonas Mekas

Program #4

Celluloid Heroes Never Really Die
Salise Hughes

Program #5

Ulu Umil Eek
Guy Trier

Program #6

Au bord du lac
Patrick Bokanowski

Programme 3 – 5 ans

jeu. 11 octobre 201811.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris

Program #1

Table Top Sketches
Robert Withers

Program #2

Patrick Rebeaud and Eric Reynier

Program #3

Canard à l’orange
Patrick Bokanowski

Program #4

Snow Flukes
Courtney Hoskins

Program #5

Circles II
Doris Chase

Programme 11 – 15 ans

ven. 12 octobre 201812.10.18
5 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris

Program #1

Robert Todd

Program #2

Untitled #1
Masha Godovannaya

Program #3

Fou rage (lettre à mon oiseau perdu)
Florian Maricourt

Program #4

Gérard Cairaschi

Program #5

Après le feu
Jacques Perconte

Program #6

Action : Study
Richard Kerr

Program #7

Afterimages Selves
Sabrina Ratté


Twenty years, already! Twenty years made of cinematic proposals, whether they be different, against the grain, experimental, political, unsettling but always sincere. This anniversary edition will be the opportunity for us to rediscover our own work, to dive into our history, through a selection of films that screened during the very first edition that took place in January 1999, but also through an exhibition of the archives from the following editions, that will be shown at our fellows’ from Re:Voir/The Film Gallery. It will be also the occasion to get together at our anniversary party that will be held at the Shakirail, on Saturday, October 13th – you are all welcome to join and celebrate with us!

Even though the festival has changed its format many times in the past twenty years, for this edition we will follow the previous years’ blueprint, with an international competition including a selection of 42 films from 22 different countries. The selection committee’s choice has been Cornelian, since we received more than 1600 artworks through the call for films.

Besides the international competition, the festival will investigate a specific theme of the year through a series of “focus” screenings. During this edition, we will bring to light different strategies and approaches that experimental cinema develops towards waste, its own and others’: whether it be film, society, human or Earth waste.

It seemed important to us to underline that experimental cinema was born mostly from waste; in fact, since its beginnings, it has been put aside, out of sight from the mainstream production. Experimental filmmakers managed to do well out of this “confined wasteland”: there, they could find and use film scraps, broken and outdated cameras, used materials that were put to good use – thus creating a whole tradition that still continues to these days. Even nowadays, when the general tendency of digital technologies is to polish all the asperities of the image in order to reduce all the possible unwanted faults, number of film directors and artists try to highlight the actual existence of this virtual and digital waste and by turning it into a creative tool.

In a more metaphorical sense, the idea of waste also deals with outcasts and social rejects:  we will therefore continue with the reoccurring screening dedicated to “outside the norms” cinema, to quote the expression by Alain Bourbonnais, Jean Dubuffet’s close friend. During this projection will be shown works by brut, amateur, outsider or unaware filmmakers.

One of our aims is to expose the dialectic gymnastics that the concept of waste conveys: we love it as much as we want it to stay away from us; we reuse it and in this way we deny it; and the more it stinks the more we like it.

If the idea of waste touches us deeply, it’s because we feel close to it in the sense that we are ourselves considered in some way as the waste of the film industry. As for this, it’s time to think about our position that is one we have in common with all the margins: shall we remain a joyful piece of waste, acting in the shadow, and thus accepting the risk of decomposition, or shall we enhance ourselves by self-recycling, and thus verging on hygienism?

This year it will also be the occasion to reactivate the screenings dedicated to a younger audience – a practice that has been current at Collectif Jeune Cinéma until ten years ago – where we will show some rare films from our catalogue. And, for the 4th consecutive year, we will have our competition dedicated to the filmmakers under 15. You are all invited to come and discover these kids’ creations, since their films fall in with experimental cinema practices in conscious or involuntary ways.

Collectif Jeune Cinéma team wish you a beautiful edition of the 2018 Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinema, which we hope to be rich in discoveries, rediscoveries and gatherings.

Awarded films


Members of the jury

Claire Lasolle

After an experience as a gallery assistant at Christian Berst and after having led workshops for the cinematographic diffusion of creative documentaries within a popular education association, Claire Lasolle co-founded Videodrome 2 (Marseille) and has been working for the past 4 years with her associates to bring this alternative cinematographic diffusion place to life (programming, development and general coordination). She is also the co-founder of MUFF, the Marseille Underground Film Festival, which for the past 3 years has offered a time dedicated to diverse cinematographic and musical experiences. For the last three years, she has also participated in the critical writing of Hors Champ during the Etats Généraux du film documentaire (Lussas).

Daphné Le Sergent

Born in 1975 in Seoul (South Korea), Daphné Le Sergent conducts artistic and theoretical research around the notion of separation or schize, referring both to the geopolitical border and to a possible inner disjunction. Activating different systems of montage and dismantling, her work proposes an analysis of the border landscape as a phenomenon of perception

Daphne Le Sergent has recently participated in the following exhibitions and festivals: “Novlangue_”, as part of Satellite#11, Jeu de Paume (Paris), CAPC Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Museo Amparo (Mexico, 2018); FotoLimo, (Cerbère / Portbou, 2017); “De l’Expérimental aux films-essais”, cinéma la Clef (Paris, 2017); “Le 6b dessine son salon”, 6b, (Saint-Denis, 2017); “Republic of O-Sang”, 11 th Mega-Exhibition, Gwangju Biennale, (South Korea, 2016). She is a lecturer at the Photography Department of the University of Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint Denis and is a member of AICA.

Adeena Mey

Adeena Mey is a curator and researcher at the ECAL (Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne). He was a member of the research project Schweizer Filmexperimente, which produced the exhibition series Film Implosion! He also curated Neo Geography I&II (Centre d’art Neuchâtel; Ujeongguk, Seoul, 2017) and is currently working on a publication from his doctoral thesis entitled The Cybernetisation of the Exhibition. Experimental Film and the Exhibition as Medium.

Dominique Willoughby

Filmmaker and artist, teacher-researcher in cinema at the University of Paris 8, he has directed since 1972 some fifteen films, graphic and digital works, and created painted films for several ballets of the contemporary dance company DCA - Philippe Découflé. A member of the graphic group Bazooka in the early 1970s, he founded the Ciné - MBXA in 1976, a place for programming experimental cinema, and participates actively in the magazine Melba and the Paris Films Coop. He is one of the co-founders of Cinédoc in 1979, which became Cinédoc Paris Films Coop in 1984, and which he currently manages. He has notably published “Le cinéma Graphique” (Textuel) in 2009, ” Alexandre Alexeïeff, Écrits et entretiens sur l’Art et l’Animation (1926 - 1981) ” (PUV) in 2016.

Klaus Wyborny

Klaus Wyborny (born 1945) is a German experimental filmmaker. He co-founded the Hamburger Filmmacher Cooperative in 1968. He participated in Documenta 5 in Kassel in 1972 with five of his films. Between 1975 and 1994 he participated five times in the Berlinale Forum. He was also part of several Viennale programs between 2002 and 2015. His film Studies for the Decay of the West was awarded the Walter Benjamin Prize. Since 2012 he has published three books on film theory

Festival team

Team of the 20th Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris

Laurence Rebouillon
Raphaël Bassan
Gloria Morano


Théo Delyiannis
Jessica Macor

General Coordination and Administration

Théo Delyiannis

Coordination Assistant

Félix Fattal

Intern for the festival archives

Inès Lopez

Programming Committee of the Focus

Catherine Bareau
Gérard Cairaschi
Théo Deliyannis
Maria Kourkouta
Renato Loriga
Jessica Macor
Florian Maricourt
Pierre Merejkowsky
Adeena Mey
Boris Monneau
Gloria Morano
Jonathan Pouthier
Laurence Rebouillon
Fabien Rennet
Violeta Salvatierra
Antoine Tour
Derek Woolfenden

Competition Programming Committee

Raphaël Bassan
Théo Deliyannis
Raphaëlle Giaretto
Jessica Macor
Gloria Morano
Laurence Rebouillon
Fabien Rennet
Frédéric Tachou

Programming Committee Section for Filmmakers under 15 years old

Iris Cahen
Émile Cerf
Ferdinand Leclerc
Maïa Malige
Frédéric Tachou

Press Officer

Mathilde Bila

Translation and subtitling

Théo Deliyannis
Félix Fattal
Patrick Fuchs
Raphaëlle Giaretto
Jessica Macor
Zoe Meyer
Ambre Veau

Festival Gazette

Perrine Lecerf
Ambre Veau

Transmission Unit

Théo Deliyannis
Louis Dupont
Simon Le Gloan
Gloria Morano

Graphic design

Marine Bigourie

Team of Grand Action

Isabelle Gibbal-Hardy
Alexandre Tsekenis
Amaia Elisseche
Assistant director
Victor Bournerias
Assistant programmer and projectionist
Nicolas Ranger
Stage manager and projectionist
Pierre Filmon
Adrien Kassis
Anne Stell


The voluntary and collective team of the Curry Vavart association


The festival team would like to thank all the members of the CJC who volunteered their time to make this edition possible

The CJC also thanks for their participation, ideas, support and gestures:

Mathilde Autin and Marion Castel (CIP), Julien Bodivit (LUFF), Vassily Bourikas, Enrico Camporesi, Pip Chodorov and Jim Stickel (Re:voir /The Film Gallery)
, Martine Derain (Polygone Étoilé), Flo Fulton, Douglas Kahan (The Robert E. Fulton III FilmCollection), Jean-Luc Guionnet, Manon Him-Aquilli, Dunja Jelenkovic, Olivier Kaeser, Léopoldine Turbat and Celya Larré (Centre Culturel Suisse), Jany Lauga (ENSBA), Damien Marguet, Martine Markovitz, Frédérique Menant and Tomaz Burlin (L’Etna), Madeleine Molyneaux (Picture Palace Pictures), Sigrid Schönherr, Dietmar Schwärzler (Sixpack films) and Robert Todd


And a big thank you to all the filmmakers and artists who made this 20th edition possible, as well as to the members of the juries, the programmers, the speakers, the authors of the articles in the catalog, and to all the guests.


The Collectif Jeune Cinéma is supported by :

CNCRégion Ile-de-FrancePréfet de la région d'Ile-de-FranceMairie de Paris

Partners of the 20th edition

Cinéma Le Grand ActionCentre Georges PompidouSwiss Cultural CenterNational Superior School of Fine Arts (ENSBA)RE:VOIRLe ShakirailKino ClubCurry VavartThe Parisian Independent Cinemas (CIP)Institut finlandaishttp://cip-paris.fr/

Explore past editions
